7 reasons not to run a marathon
to run or not to run a marathon?
to run or not to run a marathon?
Is a good question to ask before jumping into training. In some cases, the answer is no. You really shouldn’t make that goal RIGHT now. Just because you may be physically capable of beginning your training, doesn’t mean you always should. I’m not telling you that running a marathon is bad for your body.
Don’t run a marathon because you think that’s a requirement to be a runner. If you run, you are in fact a runner. A real runner isn’t about pace or distance, it’s a mindset.
Don’t run a marathon if you don’t want to! It’s a lot of work if you don’t already enjoy running a 1/2 marathon. Trust me once you’re out there, it doesn’t feel like simply twice as long, it feels longer. You need to truly want this to commit to the training time and enjoy the experience.
Don’t run a marathon if you’re already over committed in other areas of your life. It takes time to do it and not get injured. Not getting injured requires doing more than just running! Busy people train for marathons all the time, so it’s not impossible, but really look at your life and be honest about how much time you can and want to give to it right now.
Don’t run a marathon to lose weight.
The unfortunate truth is that most first time marathon trainees gain weight because the body wants more calories due to increased activity and you justify those delicious extra snacks throughout the day based on your new mileage.
Don’t run a marathon if your social life is KEY to your happiness and not a single one of your friends runs. It becomes harder as the miles grow to go out for late night fun when your Saturday is going to start at 5AM! Additionally, you are going to TALK about running non-stop and need people who won’t throttle you for it. You can also resolve this by joining a local running group and making a new friend or two that have similar goals!
Don’t run a marathon if you’re having health issues…it won’t make them better. Marathon training can weaken your immune system without the right plan, coach, and nutrition. While it could help you lose weight and strengthen your heart, if you have adrenal fatigue or other major issues this just isn’t the time.
Don’t run a marathon if you don’t enjoy running! Fall in love with running first because you’re going to be spending way more time than you know doing it, thinking about it and talking about it.
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